Igiena INTIMĂ la bebelușul băiețel - sfaturi pentru părinți | Comentarii articol

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  1. trimis la 22/12/2003

    Pentru Oana Te rog sa nu o iei in nume personal sau sa crezi ca am o problema cu tine. Cred ca fiecare adult este liber sa decida pentru el. Imi imaginez ca ai avut motive intemeiate sa renunti asa repede la traditia romanesca si sa aderi la traditia americana. Esti doar la prima generatie in America. Cum de… ?? Unii europeni crestini adulti decid in America sa renunte chiar la traditia Craciunului. Este libertatea lor si nu ii condamn. Eu cred insa ca ai aderat la o traditie in mod eronat, poate rau sfatuita, crezand ca circumcizia este o traditie Americana. Traditie inseamna un lucru care a fost facut de un grup de oameni pentru un timp indelungat. Circumcizia in masa a americanilor de origine europeana a inceput doar in urma cu cateva decade. Pana atunci, si America are cateva sute de ani vechime, traditia a fost a NU circumciza. Deci mai mult timp in istorie americanii NU s-au circumcis decat s-au. Traditia la care ai aderat, crezand ca este Americana, de fapt nu e. Imi pare rau pentru tine.

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  2. vasil
    vasiltrimis la 22/12/2003

    Asculta, Oana… vorbesti de parca ne-ai predica din Coran…acolo Profetul ne cere, prin regula curateniei, sa ne radem parul pubic si sa ne facem circumcizie…de fapt in unele tari musulmane circumcizia se face la pubertate, de catre frizer… cand iti rade parul ti-o si “rade” cu briciul…pe bune…si fara anestezie. Cat despre “simpla bucatica de piele”… ar trebui sa stii ca este un tesut de cativa inches buni, cu rol sexual pentru noi, barbatii… cred ca nici o femeie din lume nu merita ca noi barbatii sa ne taiem penisul pentru ea… Barbatul ideal American de care vorbesti tu…nu mai este la moda. A fost candva…acum se poarta stilul masculin natural, mai paros scuzati-ma, European… echipat asa cum natura l-a inzestrat… dar am impresia ca noi doi ne-am mai intalnit undeva… mda…stiu! …in forumul de la babycenter… doar ca acolo vorbeai engleza si postai sub numele de Becka…amicii mei William si Andrew ti-au raspuns la intrebare… Eu o sa iti repet in romaneste ce ti-am scris si acolo in engleza… Oana draga, mirosul de care vorbesti se numeste feromon…este “parfumul” natural al barbatului… feromonii sint prezenti atat la masculi cat si femele, animale sau oameni…este cunoscut de stiinta si de industria parfumurilor care se straduieste de decade sa il imite…in diverse combinatii…uneori cu success… tu ar trebui sa te simti, in mod instinctiv, atrasa de acest miros… Stii ce ar trebui sa faci, Oana? Intalneste-i din nou pe cei trei barbati…cere-le sa se spele, nu doar sa se prefaca… apoi fa sex oral prelungit cu ei… trage aer in piept… miroase… repeta… opreste-te. Acum concentreza-te pentru cateva secunde. Daca in continuare o sa simti ca nu te atrag si urasti mirosul, poate e timpul pentru tine sa iti reconsideri orientarea sexuala… nu ca ar fi vreo problema, dar nu toti oamenii se nasc heterosexuali… Oana, doar pentru ca tu treci printr-o criza de identitate sexuala nu cred ca iti da vreun drept sa iti ciopirtesti fiul.

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  3. Oana Pelea
    Oana Peleatrimis la 22/12/2003

    Buna. Sint o mamica de 38 de ani, am trei fetite, locuiesc si am fost crescuta in America de Nord. Parintii mei au imigrat din Ploiesti. Nu m-am putut abtine cand am vazut discutiile astea aprinse. Eu cred in circumcizie. Daca ar fi sa am un baietel as sti exact ce am de facut. Nu imi pasa ca voi avea de condus 5 ore, pana la centrele acelea izolate de care spune Andrei. Guvernul Canadei in mod intentionat face asta pentru ca noi, parintii, sa renuntam. Am auzit ca taxeaza foarte mult pentru operatie, tot din acelasi motiv. Tariful este diferit in functie de varsta baiatului, uneori poate ajunge pana la 1000 $. Este ridicol cum isi bat joc de traditia noastra. Imi cer scuze pentru unii parinti, dar trebuie sa mai spun niste lucruri. Idealul masculin American este tipul atletic, blond, epilat pe piept si picioare, complet circumcis strimt si cu parul pubic ras. Parintii care refuza circumcizia fiilor ar trebui sa isi aminteasca asta. Nu inteleg de ce atata zgomot pentru o simpla bucatica de piele. Din experienta mea pot spune ca am fost pana acum cu trei barbati. Unul necircumcis iar ceilalti doi circumcisi. Imi cer scuze fata de unii parinti, am facut sex oral cu fiecare. Acum nu vreau sa spun alteva, sigur ca fiecare penis miroase, indiferent ca a fost circumcis sau nu; la fel si vulva mea. Dar barbatul necircumcis, oricat de mult se spala sub dus, avea dificultati sa pastreze un nivel acceptabil al mirosului comparativ cu ceilalti doi. Ii intreb acum pe toti barbatii de aici, care sint convinsa ca tinjesc dupa sex oral, si care se opun circumciziei fiului: chiar nu va ganditi la lucrul acesta ???

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  4. andrei, vancouver, BC
    andrei, vancouver, BCtrimis la 22/12/2003

    Nu exista circumcizia pro si contra decat contra. Nici o autoritate medicala serioasa din lume nu o recomanda azi. Cititi opinii anti circumcizie in CIRC, British Medical Journal, Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii, Jurnalul Britanic de Urologie, CNN, CBC, literatura medicala clasica romaneasca, rusa, franceza si zecile de organizatii medicale, civice si de protectia copilului care astazi toate comunica acelasi mesaj. La fel autoritatile medicale de gen: Asociatia Medicala Americana, Asociatia Americana a Cancerului, Asociatia Pediatrica Americana, Asociatia Pediatrica Canadiana, Asociatia Medicala Canadiana, Guvernul Canadei, Ministerul Sanatatii si Familiei din Romania, Asociatia Medicala Australiana, etc etc etc. In opinia tuturor circumcizia nu este recomandata medical In aceste conditii doctorii care totusi o fac nu isi exercita profesia lor medic si ar trebui sanctionati. Autoritatile medicale canadiene au decis ca studentii nu vor mai fi invatati in scolile medicale acesta operatie. Medicii care stiu sa o faca au fost izolati, in asteptarea pensionarii, in Ontario in doua centre, la departare de orasele mari. Doar parintii care insista invocand traditia pot obtine acesta operatie in present ,contra cost, pana cand va fi interzisa prin Codul Penal. Este chirurgie plastica si ca urmare nu se suporta din fondurile Guverului. In caz de fimoza, care nu se poate stabili decit dupa incheierea procesului de crestere, recomandarea medicala actuala este non chirurgicala (creama cu steroizi). Pentru orice alta conditie in prezent tratamentul nu este chirurgical. Solicitati medicului vostru sa se informeze si sa va recomande acesta alternativa. Atentie Decalotarea fortata poate duce la accidente, fimoza sau parafimoza provocata de proprii parinti sau de medicul care o face. Refuzati categoric si schimbati-va medicul. Medicii care iubesc copii promoveza alaptatul la sin si nu chirurgia penila.

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  5. adi
    aditrimis la 22/12/2003


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  6. trimis la 9/12/2003

    O traducere a unui articol foarte util... nu numai pentru parinti dar si restul adultilor... veti afla ca FIMOZA LA COPII NU EXISTA, ESTE DOAR UN MIT si din nou confirmarea ca asa cum nu spalam mucoasa vaginala, bucala sau interiorul pleoapleor cu sapun, la fel trebuie sa procedam si cu mucoasa preputiala... Protejati-va Fiul Necircumcis: Sfatul Medicului Expert pentru Parinti Numarul 103, Revista “Mothering”, USA. Autor: Dr Paul M. Fleiss Un numar tot mai mare de parinti americani astazi is protejeaza fiul de circumcizia la nastere, dar pe masura ce fii lor cresc au adesea probleme cu doctorii care se agata de opinii invechite si rutine spitalicesti. Adesea primesc telelefoane de la parinti nemultumiti care spun ca medicul insista ca fiul lor sa fie circumcis pentru ca ar fi ceva neregula. Dar cand vin cu fiul lor in cabinetul meu aproape intotdeauna aflu ca nu este nimic in neregula cu penisul fiului lor. Uneori este o usoara infectie, care poate fi rapid rezolvata cu o crema cu antibiotice. In toti anii mei de practica nu am avut niciodata un pacient care sa trebuiasca sa fie circumcis pentru motive medicale. Cand un doctor iti da sfatul ca fiul tau sa fie circumcis este de obicei pentru ca el sau ea nu este familiar cu un penis intact, dezinformat despre adevaratele indicatii pentru amputarea preputului sau nu cunoaste functiile preputului si nu este comfortabil cu miscarea medicala presenta importiva circumciziei. Probabil singura problema care o vei intalni cu preputul fiului tau intact este ca cineva va crede ca fiul tau are o problema. Preputul este o parte perfect normala ca corpului uman si are scopuri foarte precise, ca toate celelalte parti are corpului, chiar daca nu le recunoastem imediat. Nu este absolut nici un motiv sa te ingrijorezi de penisul intact al fiului tau. Ce trebuie sa spui cand doctorul iti cere sa tai Mai jos e o lista cu lucruri care doctorii au spus parintilor in tentative de a-I convinge sa accepte circumcizia. Dupa fiecare afirmatie incorecta am dat argumente medicale ca sa va ajut sa intelegeti ce doctorul tau s-ar putea sa nu cunoasca despre un penis intact si ingrijirea acestuia, si ce trebuie ca tu sa stii pentru a-ti proteja fiul de o intreventie chirurgicala. Daca vreodata te afli in situatia ca un doctor iti sugereaza ca fiul tau sa fie circumcis cel mai bun lucru pe care il poti spune este “lasa-l in pace”. Preputul fiului tau ar trebui taiat pentru a facilita igiena Experienta mea de pediatru m-a convins ca circumcizia de fapt face penisul mai murdar, un fapt confirmat de un studiu publicat recent in Jurnalul Britanic de Urologie. Pentru cel putin o saptamana de la circumcizie, baiatul este lasat cu o rana deschisa care ajunge in contact cu urina si fecalele. Cu greu de spus ca este un avataj igienic. In plus, pentru restul vietii penisul este deschis si expus la murdarie si contaminanti de toate felurile. Ridurile de piele care adesea se formeaza in jurul cicatricei circucmiziei in mod frecvent adapostesc murdarie si germeni. Multumita existentei preputului, un penis intact este protejat de murdarie si contaminare. In timp ce acesta importanta functie protectiva este extrem de folositoare timp ce baiatul foloseste scutece, preputul mai da si protectie glandului de-a lungul vietii. La orice varsta preputul pastreaza glandul sigur, moale si curat. In timpul copilariei nu este necesara spalarea sub preput. In trecut mamele erau sfatuite sa retraga preputul si sa il spele dedesupt in fiecare zi. Acesta a fost un sfat foarte rau, intr-adevar. Cand preputul devine complet retractabil, de obicei la sfasitul pubertatii, fiul tau va putea sa il retraga si sa il spele cu apa calduta cand face dus. Preputul fiului tau este prea stramt. Nu poate fi retras. Trebuie sa ii facem circumcizie. Faptul ca fiul tau are preputul stramt este de fapt un mecanism de protectie a glandului (capul pensiului) si uretrei importiva expunerii directe la contaminare si germeni. Un preput stramt de asemenea pastreaza glandul baiatului la caldura, curat si umed si cand va deveni adult ii va da placere. Atata timp cat baiatul poate urina este perfect normal. NU EXISTA O VARSTA LA CARE PREPUTUL UNUI BAIAT TREBUIE SA DEVINA COMPLET RETRACTABIL. Nu lastati doctorul sau pe oricine altcineva sa incerce sa retraga preputul fiului tau. Igiena optima a penisului este ca preputul nou nascutilor si a copiilor sa fie lasat in pace. Retragerea prematura rupe pielea de pe penis cauzand fiului tau durere extrema. Nu exista nici o justificare medicala legitima pentru retragere. Durerea fiului tau dovedeste asta. Preputul fiului tau este “lipit” de gland. Trebuie amputat. Atasarea preputului de gland este modul natural de a proteja glandul nedezvoltat inca de expunere prematura. Detasarea este un process normal fiziologic care poate dura pana la doua decenii pentru a fi terminat. Pana la sfarsitul pubertatii, preputul se va detasa de gland pentru ca hormonii care sunt produsi in cantitati suficiente la pubertate vor ajuta procesul. NU EXISTA O VARSTA PANA LA CARE PREPUTUL FIULUI TAU TREBUIE SA FIE COMPELT SEPARAT DE GLAND. Unii medici gresit informati s-ar putea sa iti sugereze ca “aderenta” dintre preput si gland ar trebui rupta astfel ca fiul tau sa fie in stare sa isi retraga preputul. Acesta procedura se cheama sinecotomie. Pentru a o face, doctorul impinge o sonda din metal neascutita sub preput si cu forta il rupe de gland. Este la fel de dureros si traumatic ca si cum ai avea o sonda de metal infipta sub unghie si incercand sa o tragi afara. Acesta procedura va cauza de asemenea sangerare si poate conduce la infectare si crearea de cicatrici in interiorul preputului si pe gland. Plagile care sunt create astfel prin acesta separare fortata pot sa fuzioneze creand inapoi aderente. Nu exista nici o justificare medicala pentru acesta procedura pentru ca preputul nu are de ce sa fie separate de gland in copilarie. Daca vreun doctor sugereaza acesta procedura pentru fiul tau, refuza in mod categoric, spunandu-I “lasa-l in pace!”. Preputul fiului tau incepe sa se stramteze. Nu se mai retrage. Ceva nu e bine. Va trebui sa ii facem circumcizie. Uneori, in copilarie, un preput care s-a decalotat complet natural poate deveni mai tarziu rezistent la retractie din motive care nu au de-a face cu pubertatea. In acest caz, deschiderea preputului ar putea sa para crapata si fiul tau simte intepaturi cand urineaza. Asta nu poate fi o indicatie pentru interventie chirurgicala mai mult decat este pentru buze crapate de vant. Nu este decat ca preputul isi face datoria. Daca nu ar fi fost acolo, glandul si deschiderea urinara ar fi fost crapate in locul preputului. Cauza ce mai frecventa a crapaturilor sunt baia la strand cand prea mult clor a fost pus in apa, sapunul non delicat, baia cu sampon spumant, sau un regim alimentar bogat in zahar, toate acestea distrugand echilibrul natural al bacteriei de piele, si ar trebui evitate daca craparea pielii apare. Preputul va fi rezistent la retractie pana cand echilibrul bacterial sanatos si natural al pielii este refacut. Poti ajuta vindecarea cerandu-I fiului tau sa aplice a crema bariera sau vreo alifie in deschiderea preputului. Cultura de acidophilus (exista in farmacie) poate fi administrata intern si de asemenea aplicata pe preput de mai multe ori pe zi pentru a ajuta procesul de vindecare, si ar trebui de asemenea dat de fiecare data cand copilul ia antibiotice. Preputul fiului tau este rosu, inflamat, prezinta mancarimi si ii creaza discomfort. Are o infectie si trebuie operat. Uneori varful preputului se inroseste. In timpul utilizarii scutecelor acesta este de regula dermatita amoniacala, cunoscuta si ca “iritatie de la scutece”. Cand bacteriile normale ale pielii rectioneza cu urina, produc ammoniac care arde pielea si cauzeaza inflamatie si discomfort. Daca preputul ar fi fost amputat, inflamatia ar fi fost pe gland si ar fi putut intra si in uretra. Cand preputul devine inrosit inseamna ca isi face datoria de a proteja glandul si meatul urinar. Circumcizia nu va avea nici un effect asupra iritatiei de scutece. Schimba scutecul fiului tau mai des si foloseste o crema bariera pana cand iritatia dispare. Unele sapunuri iritante pot de asemenea cauza inflamatii ale preputului. Foloseste numai sapun fin pentru spalare externa pe pielea delicata a fiului tau. Rezista tentatiei de ai-I face baie cu spumant, pentru ca acesta este daunator pielii. NU FOLOSI NICIODATA SAPUN PENTRU A SPALA INTERIORUL PREPUTULUI PENTRU CA ACESTA ESTE MEMBRANA MUCOASA EXACT CA SI INTERIORUL PLEOAPELOR OCHILOR. Infectiile preputului sunt extrem de rare, iar daca apar, unul dintre multele tratamente simple este crema cu antibiotice insotita de cultura de acidophilus care este o terapie de inlocuire bacteriala. MAJORITATEA INFECTIILOR PREPUTULUI SUNT DE FAPT CAUZATE DE SPALAREA SUB PREPUT CU SAPUN. Lasa preputul in pace, amintindu-ti ca nu are nevoie de nici un fel de spalare speciala, iar infectiile vor fi foarte putin probabil sa apara. Fiul tau se trage tot timpul de preput. Ar trebui sa ii facem circumcizie. Va pot asigura ca, indifferent ca este circumcis sau nu, toti baietii mici se trag de penis. Este perfect normal. Baietii intacti de trag de preput pentru ca este acolo ca sa traga de el. Baietii circumcisi se trag de gland pentru ca asta e tot ce le-a ramas sa traga. Baietii uneori vor ajusta pozitia penisului in chiloti. De asemenea vor explora interiorul preputului cu degetele – o curiozitate perfect normala si nimic de ce sa ne ingrijoram. Este important pentru parinti sa cultive o tandrete despre aceste aspecte, altfel risca sa transfere atitudini nesanatoase copiilor lor. Uneori baietii se trag de preput pentru ca simt mancarimi. Orice parte a corpului prezinta mancarimi ocazional. Chair si un baiat circumcis va trebui sa-si scarpine penisul. Asa cum nu te ingrijorezi de fiecare data fiul tau isi scarpina genunchii, nu ar trebui sa nu te ingrijorezi cand isi scarpina penisul. Trateaza preputul asa cum tratezi orice alta parte a corpului. Daca teama ta reala este masturbarea, aminteste-ti calm de faptul simplu si natural ca toti copii isi vor explora corpul intr-o buna zi, inclusive organele genitale. Cand isi ating genitalele copii au un sentiment placut de relaxare. Studiile clasice de anatomie demonstreaza ca PREPUTUL ESTE PARTEA CEA MAI PLACUTA A PENISULUI. Ar trebui sa te feliciti ca ti-ai protejat copilul de o amputare chirurgicala care l-ar fi putut priva pentru totdeauna de senzatiile normale. Preputul fiului tau este prea lung. Ar trebui taiat. Exista o foarte mare variatie in lungimea preputului. La unii baieti preputul preprezinta peste o jumatate din lungimea penisului. La altii, abia acopera glandul. Toate variatiile sunt normale. PREPUTUL NU ESTE NICIODATA “DOAR UN SURPLUS DE PIELE” sau “REDUNDANT”. Este acolo pentru un scop. Fiul tau ar trebui circumcis acum pentru ca o sa il doara mai mult daca o face mai traziu, sau mai rau, cand va fi adult. Acesta scuza este in mod tragic gresita si a avut ca rezultat o criza foarte serioasa in practica medicala Americana. Este bazata pe ideea falsa ca nou nascutii si copii nu simt durerea. Nou nascutii pot sa vada, auda, mirosi, si simti. De fapt, nou nascutii simt mult mai acut durerea decat adultii, si cu cat copilul este mai mic cu atat senzatia de durere este mai mare. Daca un adult ar trebui sa fie circumcis, I s-ar da anestezie si calmante post operatorii. Medicii aproape niciodata nu dau copiilor vreuna din astea. Singurul motiv pentru care medicii se tin de circumcizii fara anestezie este ca un nou nascut/copil mic este neajutorat si nu se poate a apara. Tipetele sale de durere, teroare si agonie sunt ignorate. In orice caz, acesta scuza comuna nu e decat o tactica de speriere, una cu consecinte tragice pentru orice copil fortat sa indure o amputare chirurgicala fara beneficiul anesteziei. De vreme ce fiul tau va fi anesteziat pentru alta operatie, vom merge pana la capat si o s-I facem si o circumcizie. La multi parinti nu li s-a spus ca fiul lor este in pericol de a fi circumcis odata cu o operatie de amigdalita, hernie sau testicule necoborate. Daca fiul tau ajunge la spital vreodata, oricare e motivul, asigura-te ca ii spui medicului, chirurgului si asistentei ca sub nici o forma fiul tau nu va fi circumcis. Daca fiul tau va fi circumcis importiva vointei tale aminteste-ti ca ai mijloacele legale sa actionezi. Fiul tau are un chist sub preput. Trebuie sa ii facem circumcizie. In timpul procesului incet de detasare a preputului de gland, celule de piele umede (smegma) ar putea sa apara ca niste “perle” albe sub preput. Acestea nu sunt chisturi. Unii medici in mod eronat cred ca smegma sub preput este infectie, chiar daca este alba si nu rosie, este rece la atingere si nedureroasa. Pe masura ce preputul se detaseaza corpul isi va face datoria si aceste perle vor trece afara de sub preput singure. Aceste grupuri de celule adunate sub preput nu reprezinta nici o grija. Nu sunt decat semnul ca procesul natural de detasare are loc. Fiul tau are infectie a tractului urinar (UTI) si trebuie sa il operam ca sa prevenim reaparitia. Credinta ca prezenta preputului usor mareste sansele ca un baiat sa aiba UTI este foarte controversata si mai ales, NEDOVEDITA. Membrii corpurilor medicale in Europa nu o accepta. Studii medicale dovedesc ca UTI este cauzata mai adesea de malformatii interne congenitale a tractului urinar. Preputul nu are absolut nimic de a face cu asta. Chair daca s-ar putea dovedi ca circumcizia usor reduce riscul de UTI, reprezinta o propunere absurda pentru ca UTI la baieti este extrem de rara si usor de tratat cu antibiotice. Alaptatul la san ajuta la prevenirea UTI. MEDICII CARE IUBESC COPII SUSTIN ALAPTATUL LA SAN NU CHIRURGIA PENILA. Fiul tau sprayeaza can urineaza. Circumcizia va corecta asta. La aproape fiecare baiat intact urina curge prin deschiderea urinara in gland si prin preput afara intr-un suvoi lin. In timpul procesului de crestere si dezvoltare a penisului, unii baieti trec printr-o faza cand suvoiul de urina este difuzat. Fara indoiala, multi dintre acestia sunt delectati in faza asta, in timp ce mamele, se intelege, gasesc situatia mai putin amuzanta. Daca fiul tau a intrat in faza de “sprayere” pur si simplu invata-l sa isi retraga preputul sufficient de mult ca sa expuna meatul cand urineaza. Va trece repede si peste faza asta. Fiul tau face baloane cand urineaza. Trebuie sa ii facem circumcizie altfel va suferi de rinichi. Baloanele in timpul urinatului sunt o conditie normala si temporara la unii baieti. Nu cauzeaza nici un discomfort si de obicei este o sursa de distractie pentru baieti. Baloanele sunt o surpriza doar pentru unii adulti care nu au nici o experienta de acest tip in dezvoltarea lor. In mod cert nu cauzeaza boli de rinichi, nu are nimic de-a face cu rinichii. Baloanele vor dispare pe masura ce preputul si glandul se separa iar deschiderea preputului creste in diametru. Nu necesita nici un tratament. Fiul tau si-a prins preputul in fermoarul pantalonilor; va trebui sa il taiem. Sunt foarte rare cazuri cand un baiat si-a prins accidental parte a pielii preputului in fermoar. Acest lucru este dureros si poate cauza sangerari. Amputarea preputului este ilogica in acesta situatie. Taind stofa in jurul fermoarului cu foarfeca fermoarul va putea fi deschis usor pentru a elibera tesutul penil. Apoi orice plagi ale pielii pot fi inchise prin suturare sau banda chirurgicala, in functie de situatie. Procedura medicala standard in atare situatii este minimizarea si repararea loviturii, nu de a o agrava prin taierea preputului si crearea unei rani mai mari si mai dureroase. Fiul tau are fimoza. Trebuie sa il operam ca sa corectam acesta problema. Fimoza este adesea folosita ca diagnostic cand un medic nu intelege ca preputul copilului asa trebuie sa fie: lung, stramt, atasat de gland si rezistent la retractie. Unii medici prescriu o crema cu steroizi pentru fimoza, dar asta nu este necesara la copii de vreme ce PREPUTUL IN MOD NATRUAL NU SE RETRAGE LA COPII MICI. HORMONII DE LA PUBERTATE VOR FACE ACELASI LUCRU LA MOMENTUL POTRIVIT ceea ce o crema cu steroizi face prematur. La adultii care inca mai au preputul atasat de gland sau este prea stramt, crema cu steroizi este o terapie conservatoare. Asta daca ca si adult doreste sa aiba un preput complet decalotabil. Unii barbati nu doresc, preferand un preput care acopera sigur glandul. Este o chestiune de alegere personala., una care numai fiecare barbat poate decide pentru el. Fiul tau are parafimoza si trebuie sa il operam ca sa prevenim reaparitia Parafimoza este o dizlocare rara a preputului. Este cauzata atunci cand preputul este prematur retras si devine blocat dincolo de gland. Acesta problema poate fi adesea corectata prin aplicarea ferma dar delicata a unei presiuni asupra glandului cu degetele mari, ca si cum ai impinge dopul in sticla. Pentru a reduce inflamatia o injectie cu hialuronidase poate fi eficienta. Medicii din Marea Britanie au reportat rezultate bune cand au impachetat penisul in zahar granulat. Compresele cu gheata de asemenea sunt eficiente. Fiul tau are BXO si va trebui sa ii facem circumcizie Unii medici pun semnul egal intre fimoza si a foarte rara boala de piele numita balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO), care mai este denumita si scleroza lichen si atrophicus. BXO poate sa apara oriunde in corp, dar daca boala afecteaza preputul ar putea sa faca deschiderea preputului sa arate sclerotica, tare, alba, si sa faca retractia aproape imposibila. BXO este de obicei nedureroasa si progreseaza foarte incet. De multe ori dispare de la sine. Pentru un dermatologist experimentat, nu exista nici un dubiu cand are de-a face cu BXO, dar diagnosticul trebuie confirmat de o biopsie. Vestea buna e ca BXO poate aproape totdeauna sa fie tratata cu success cu o crema cu steriozi, tratament cu laser carbon dioxid sau chiar antibiotice. CIRCUMCIZIA VA TREBUI CONSIDERATA NUMAI DUPA CE ORICE ALT TRATAMENT ALTERNATIV A ESUAT. Asa cum nu amputam labia la femei cand apare BXO sau glandul baietilor deja circumcisi cand BXO se manifesta acolo, este logic sa NU amputam preputul baietilor intacti cand au BXO. Fiu tau trebuie circumcis pentru ca altfel nu va putea sa se bucure se sex oral cand va fi adult Ma tem ca unii doctori chiar au spus aceste lucuri neportivite parintilor. O asemenea declaratie e o proba clara a ignorantei in ceea ce priveste functiile normale ale unui penis intact. Investigatii anatomice clasice au dovedit ca preputul ESTE PARTEA CEA MAI BOGATA IN NERVI A PENISULUI. Contine nervi-receptor specializati care sunt conectati direct cu centrul placerii din creier. Fiul tau intact este pe departe mult mai bine echipat pentru a se bucura de toate aspectele dragostei decat rudele sau prietenii sai circumcisi. Mitul ca femeile americane prefera penisul circumcis este, in opinia mea, pentru femei descreierate. Ar putea fi adevarat ca femeile Americane dintr-o anumita generatie si mediu social au fost mai familiare cu penisul circumcis decat cu unul intact, dar acesta a fost rezultatul campaniilor de circumcizie in masa din anii 50 si nu preferinta personala. Suspectez ca femeile prefera la barbati mai mult calitati personale de consideratie, gentilete, sezitivitate, caldura si sprijin. Este foarte putin probabil ca circumcizia sa mareasca capacitatea barbatului de a dezvolta aceste calitati. Fiul tau trebuie sa fie circumcis ca sa arate ca tatal sau. Un copil repezinta o combinatie din mostenirea genetica atat a tatalui cat si a mamei. El nu are nevoie sa arate ca tata, nici nu va arata vreodata ca tatal sau in TOATE felurile. Fiecare copil este un dar unic, iar unicitatea ar trebui pretuita. Ideea ca un baiat va fi deranjat ca penisul sau nu seamana cu al tatalui sau a fost inventata de unii pentru a manipula parintii in a lasa doctorii sa faca circumcizie copiilor. Nu are nici un temei medical. Nu exista nici un raport publicat care sa studieze vreun baiat intact care ar fi conturbat ca o parte din penisul sau nu a fost taiata cand si-a dat seama ca parte a penisului tatalui sau a fost taiata. Cand baietii intacti impreuna cu tatii lor circumcisi isi exprima sentimentele in problema acesta in mod repetat se raporteaza imensa gratitudine si usurare ca au fost scutiti de aceasta interventie chirurgicala. Ei exprima de asemenea sentimente de tristete pentru suferinta pe care tatii lor au indurat-o in copilarie. Uneori un tata circumcis va declara ca el doreste ca fiul sau sa fie circumcis pentru ca el crede ca acest lucru va crea o legatura intre el si fiul sau. Este un lucru minunat pentru un tata sa doreasca sa stabileasca o asemenea legatura, dar circumcizia nu poate indeplini acest tel. Daca un tata doreste sa stabileasca o legatura durabila si care sa insemne ceva, cu fiul sau, cea mai buna cale, si probabil unica, poate fi realizata prin petrecerea unui timp de calitate cu el si aratandu-I multa afectiune. Din pacate, unii tati care au fost circumcisi au o atitudine nesanatoasa si cauta orice scuza posibila ca sa programeze copilul la circumcizie. A PUNE UN COPIL INTR-O SITUATIE IN CARE SE TEME CA O PARTE DIN PENISUL SAU VA FI TAIATA REPREZINTA UN ABUZ. Cand tatii solicita ca fii lor sa fie circumcisi, suspectez ca ei incearca cu disperare sa isi justifice propria lor conditie de barbati circumcisi. Emotiile pe care unii tati le simt cand sunt fortati sa se confrunte cu faptul ca o parte din propriul lor penis lipseste pot fi asa de suparatoare incat ar face orice ca sa le blocheze. Un tata care cu uzul fortei face circumcizie fiului sau nu va castiga gratitudinea, afectiunea, increderea sau dragostea fiului sau. Cunosc situatii in care asemenea evenimente au distrus pentru totdeauna legatura tat-fiu si au schimbat dragostea fiului pentru tatal sau in furie si resentiment. In situatii in care tatal sufera de o atitudine nesanatoasa fata de penisul normal al fiului sau, cred ca cel mai bine pentru toti cei implicati, in special pentru fiu, este ca tatal sa primeasca cu compasiune consiliere psihologica pentru a fi ajutat sa depaseasca acesta problema. Toti copii au dreptul la cel mai sigur, hranitor spiritual si cel mai iubitor si calduros camin posibil. Cand medicii isi dau seama de importantele functii ale preputului, ei realizeaza ca aproape fiecare problema ar fi putut fi rezolvata fara sa fie nevoie sa taie. Taierea unei parti din corpul uman, in special a unei parti din penis, ESTE O MASURA EXTREMA CARE TREBUIE REZERVATA CELOR MAI EXTREME CIRCUMSTANTE. SINGURELE INDICATII LEGITIME PENTRU TAIEREA ORICAREI PARTI A CORPULUI, INCLUSIV PREPUTUL, SUNT BOLILE CARE PUN VIATA IN PERICOL, CAZURI DE DIFORMITATE SAU DE DAUNE IREPARABILE. ACESTE SITUATII SUNT EXTREM DE RARE. Cel mai bun sfat pentru un penis intact este sa il lasati in pace. Penisul intact nu necesita o atentie deosebita. Lasa-ti baiatul sa aiba grija de el si cand va fi mare o sa se bucure de corpul sau. In fond, este treaba lui. Relaxeaza-te si evita orice ingrijorare depre penisul intact al fiului tau. Aminteste-ti ca preputul este o parte normala si naturala ca corpului sau. Fiul tau va putea sa cresca sanatos si neingrijorat de preputul lui la fel ca toti baietii europeni. TEXT ORIGINAL Protect Your Uncircumcised Son: Expert Medical Advice for ParentsIssue 103, November/December 103By Paul M. Fleiss Increasing numbers of American parents today are protecting their sons from routine circumcision at birth, but as their boys grow up, they often find themselves at odds with doctors who cling to old-fashioned opinions and hospital routines. I often receive calls from distraught parents who say that a doctor insists that their little boy needs to be circumcised because there is something wrong. When they bring their son into my office, I almost always find that there's nothing wrong with the child's penis. Occasionally there's a slight infection, but that can be quickly cleared up with an antibiotic cream. In all my years of practice, I've never had a patient who had to be circumcised for medical reasons. When a doctor advises that your son be circumcised, it's usually because he or she is unfamiliar with the intact penis, misinformed about the true indications for surgical amputation of the foreskin, unaware of the functions of the foreskin, and uncomfortable with the movement away from routine circumcision. Doctors can be psychologically challenged by the sight of an intact boy. They may see problems with the penis that do not really exist. They may try to convince you that the natural penis is somehow difficult to care for. They may cite "studies" and "statistics" that appear to support circumcision. Probably, the only problem you will encounter with the foreskin of your intact boy is that someone will think that he has a problem. The foreskin is a perfectly normal part of the human body, and it has very definite purposes, as do all body parts, even if we do not readily recognize them. There's no need to worry about your son's intact penis. What to Say When the Doctor Says to CutBelow is a list of some of the things that doctors have said to parents in an attempt to convince them to agree to circumcision. After each incorrect statement, I've given the medical facts to help you understand what your doctor may not know about the intact penis and its care, and what you need to know to protect your child from unnecessary penile surgery. If you ever find yourself in a situation where a doctor suggests that your child should be circumcised, the best thing that you can say is simply: "Leave it alone." Your son's foreskin should be cut off in order to facilitate hygiene. My experience as a pediatrician has convinced me that circumcision makes the penis dirtier, a fact that was confirmed by a study recently published in the British Journal of Urology.1 For at least a week after circumcision, the baby is left with a large open wound that is in almost constant contact with urine and feces--hardly a hygienic advantage. Additionally, throughout life the circumcised penis is open and exposed to dirt and contaminants of all kinds. The wrinkles and folds that often form around the circumcision scar frequently harbor dirt and germs. Thanks to the foreskin, the intact penis is protected from dirt and contamination. While this important protective function is extremely useful while the baby is in diapers, the foreskin provides protection to the glans and urinary opening for a lifetime. At all ages, the foreskin keeps the glans safe, soft, and clean. Throughout childhood, there is no need to wash underneath the foreskin. Mothers used to be advised to retract the foreskin and wash beneath it every day. This was very bad advice indeed. When the foreskin becomes fully retractable, usually by the end of puberty, your son can retract it and rinse his glans with warm water while he is in the shower. Your son's foreskin is too tight. It doesn't retract. He needs to be circumcised.The tightness of the foreskin is a safety mechanism that protects the glans and urethra from direct exposure to contaminants and germs. The tight foreskin also keeps the boy's glans warm, clean, and moist, and when he is an adult, it will give him pleasure. As long as your son can urinate, he is perfectly normal. There is no age by which a child's foreskin must be retractable. Do not let your doctor or anyone try to retract your child's foreskin. Optimal hygiene of the penis demands that the foreskin of infants and children be left alone. Premature retraction rips the skin of the penis open and causes your child extreme pain. There is no legitimate medical justification for retraction. The child's discomfort is proof of that. Your son's foreskin is "adhered" to the glans. It must be amputated.The attachment of the foreskin and glans is nature's way of protecting the undeveloped glans from premature exposure. Detachment is a normal physiological process that can take up to two decades to complete. By the end of puberty, the foreskin will have detached from the glans because hormones that are produced in great quantities at puberty help with the process. There is no age by which a child's foreskin must be fully separated from the glans. Some misguided doctors might suggest that the "adhesions" between the foreskin and glans should be broken so that your son can retract his foreskin. This procedure is called synechotomy. To perform it, the doctor pushes a blunt metal probe under the foreskin and forcibly rips it from the glans. It's as painful and traumatic as having a metal probe stuck under your fingernail to pull if off. It will also cause bleeding and may result in infection and scarring of the inner lining of the foreskin and the glans. The wounds that are created by this forced separation can fuse together, causing true adhesions. There is no medical justification for this procedure because the foreskin is not supposed to be separated from the glans in childhood. If any doctor suggests this procedure for your son, firmly refuse, stating, "Leave it alone!" Your son's foreskin is getting tighter. It no longer retracts. Something is wrong. He will have to be circumcised.Sometimes, in childhood, a previously retractable foreskin will become resistant to retraction for reasons that are unrelated to impending puberty. In these cases, the opening of the foreskin may look chapped and sting when your son urinates. This is not an indication for surgery any more than chapped lips. This is just the foreskin doing its job. If the foreskin were not there, the glans and urinary opening would be chapped instead. Chapping is most often caused by overly chlorinated swimming pools, harsh soap, bubble baths, or a diet that is too high in sugar, all of which destroy the natural balance of skin bacteria and should be avoided if chapping occurs. The foreskin becomes resistant to retraction until a natural and healthy bacterial balance is reestablished. You can aid healing by having your son apply a little barrier cream or some ointment to the opening of the foreskin. Acidophilus culture (which can be purchased from a health food store) can be taken internally and also applied to the foreskin several times a day to assist healing, and should be given any time a child is taking antibiotics. Your son's foreskin is red, inflamed, itching, and uncomfortable. It has an infection and needs to be cut off.Sometimes the tip of the foreskin does become reddened. During the diaper-wearing years, this is usually ammoniacal dermatitis, commonly known as diaper rash. When normal skin bacteria and feces react with urine, they produce ammonia, which burns the skin and causes inflammation and discomfort. If the foreskin were amputated, the inflammation would be on the glans itself and could enter the urethra. When the foreskin becomes reddened, it is doing its job of protecting the glans and urinary meatus. Circumcision will have no effect on diaper rash. Change your baby's diapers more frequently and use a barrier cream until the rash clears. Harsh bath soaps can also cause inflammation of the foreskin. Use only the gentlest and purest of soap on your child's tender skin. Resist the temptation to give your child bubble baths, because these are harmful to the skin. Never use soap to wash the inner foreskin because it is mucous membrane, just like the inner lining of the eyelid. Foreskin infections are extremely rare, but if they occur, one of the many simple treatment options is antibiotic ointment along with bacterial replacement therapy (Acidophilus culture). We don't amputate body parts because of an infection. Most infections of the foreskin are actually caused by washing the foreskin with soap. Leave the foreskin alone, remembering that it doesn't need any special washing, and infections will be unlikely to occur. Your son is always pulling on his foreskin. He should be circumcised.I can assure you that, whether circumcised or not, all little boys touch and pull on their penis. It is perfectly normal. Intact boys pull on the foreskin because it is there to pull on. Circumcised boys pull on the glans because that is all they have to pull on. Little boys sometimes will adjust the position of their penis in their underpants. They will also sometimes explore the interior of the foreskin with their fingers--a perfectly normal curiosity and nothing to worry about. It is important for parents to cultivate an enlightened and tender congeniality about such matters, otherwise they risk transferring unhealthy attitudes to their children. Sometimes a boy will pull on his foreskin because it itches. All parts of the body itch occasionally. Even a circumcised boy has to scratch his penis. Just as you don't worry every time your child scratches his knee, so you should not worry when he scratches his penis. If the itch is caused by dry skin, then have your son avoid using soap on his penis. Treat the foreskin just as you would any other part of the body. If the real fear is of masturbation, calmly remind yourself of the simple, natural fact that all children will explore their bodies, including their genitals. Touching their genitals gives children a pleasant feeling and relaxes them. Classic anatomical studies demonstrate that the foreskin is the most pleasurably sensitive part of the penis. You can congratulate yourself for having protected your child from a surgical amputation that would have permanently denied him normal sensations. Your son's foreskin is too long. It should be cut off.There is tremendous variation in foreskin length. In some boys, the foreskin represents over half the length of the penis. In others, it barely reaches the end of the glans. All variations are normal. The foreskin is never "just extra skin" or "redundant." It is all there for a reason. Your child should be circumcised now because it will hurt more if it has to be done later, or worse, when he is an adult.This excuse is tragically wrong and has resulted in a very serious crisis in American medical practice. It's based on the false idea that infants and young children don't feel pain. Babies can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. In fact, babies feel pain more acutely than adults, and the younger the baby, the more acutely the pain is felt. If an adult needed to be circumcised, he would be given anesthesia and postoperative pain relief. Doctors almost never give babies either of these. The only reason doctors get away with circumcising babies without anesthesia is because the baby is defenseless and cannot protect himself. His screams of pain, terror, and agony are ignored. In any event, this all too common excuse is merely a scare tactic, one with tragic consequences for any baby forced to endure a surgical amputation without the benefit of anesthesia. Since your son is having anesthesia for another operation, we'll just go ahead and circumcise him.Most parents are never told that their son is in danger of being circumcised during a tonsillectomy or surgery for a hernia or an undescended testicle. It would never occur to them. If your child is going into the hospital for any reason, be certain that you tell the physician, surgeon, and nurse that under no circumstances is your child to be circumcised. Write "No Circumcision" on the consent form, too. Then if your child is circumcised against your wishes, remember that you do have legal recourse. Your son has cysts under his foreskin. He needs to be circumcised.During the period when the foreskin is undergoing the slow process of detaching itself from the glans, sloughed skin cells (smegma) may collect into small pockets of white "pearls." These are not cysts. Some doctors mistakenly think that the smegma under the foreskin is an infection, even though it is white rather than red, is cold to the touch, and is painless. As the foreskin proceeds with detachment, the body will do its job, and these pearls will pass out of the foreskin all by themselves. These collected pockets of cells are nothing to worry about. They are simply an indication that the natural process of detachment is occurring. Your son has a urinary tract infection (UTI) and needs to be circumcised to prevent it from happening again.The belief that the foreskin slightly increases the chances of a boy having a UTI is highly controversial and, more importantly, unproven. Members of the medical profession in Europe do not accept it. Medical research proves that UTIs are most often caused by internal congenital deformities of the urinary tract. 2,3,4 The foreskin has nothing to do with this. Even if it could be proven that circumcision slightly reduces the risk of UTI, it is an absurd proposal because UTIs in boys are extremely rare and are easily treated with antibiotics. Breastfeeding, too, helps prevent UTIs. Child-friendly doctors advocate breastfeeding not penile surgery. Your son sprays when he urinates. Circumcision will correct this.In almost every intact boy, the urine stream flows out of the urinary opening in the glans and through the foreskin in a neat stream. During the process of penile growth and development, some boys go through a period where the urine stream is diffused. Undoubtedly, many of these boys take great delight in this phase, while mothers, understandably, find it less amusing. If your boy has entered a spraying phase, simply instruct him to retract his foreskin enough to expose the meatus when he urinates. He will soon outgrow this phase. Your son's foreskin balloons when he urinates. He needs to be circumcised or else he will suffer kidney damage.Ballooning of the foreskin during urination is a normal and temporary condition in some boys. It results in no discomfort and is usually a source of great delight for little boys. Ballooning comes as a surprise only to those adults who have no experience with this phase of penile development. It certainly does not cause kidney damage; it has nothing to do with the kidneys. Ballooning disappears as the foreskin and glans separate and the opening of the foreskin increases in diameter. It requires no treatment. Your son caught his foreskin in the zipper of his trousers; we will have to cut it off.There have been rare cases where a boy has accidentally caught part of the skin of his penis in the zipper of his trousers. This is painful and can cause a lot of bleeding. Cutting off the foreskin, however, is illogical in this situation. By cutting across the bottom of the zipper with scissors, the zipper can easily be opened to release the penile tissue. Any lacerations in the skin can then be closed with either sutures or surgical tape, depending on the situation. The proper standard of care in this situation is to minimize and repair the injury, not make it worse by cutting off the foreskin and creating a larger and more painful surgical wound. Your son has phimosis. He needs to be circumcised to correct this problem.Phimosis is oAften used as a diagnosis when a doctor does not understand that the child's foreskin is supposed to be long, narrow, attached to the glans, and resistant to retraction. Some doctors are prescribing steroid creams for phimosis, but this is unnecessary in children, since the foreskin does not need to be retractable in young boys. The hormones of puberty will do the same thing at the appropriate time that a steroid cream is doing prematurely. In adults who still have a foreskin that is attached to the glans or a foreskin with such a narrow opening that the glans cannot easily pass through it, steroid creams are a conservative therapy. This is if the adult wants a foreskin that fully retracts. Many males don't, preferring a foreskin that remains securely over the glans. It is purely a matter of personal choice, one that only each male can decide for himself. Your son has paraphimosis and must be circumcised to prevent it from happening again.Paraphimosis is a rare dislocation of the foreskin. It is caused by the foreskin being prematurely retracted and becoming stuck behind the glans. The dislocation can most often be corrected by applying firm but gentle pressure on the glans with the thumbs, as if you were pushing a cork into a bottle. To reduce the swelling, an injection of hyaluronidase may be effective. Doctors in Britain have also reported good results from packing the penis in granulated sugar.5 Ice packs work well, too. Your son has BXO and will have to be circumcised.Some doctors equate phimosis with an extremely rare skin disorder called balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO), which is also called lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (LSA). BXO can appear anywhere on the body, but if this disorder affects the foreskin, it may turn the opening of the foreskin hard, white, sclerotic, and make retraction almost impossible. BXO is usually painless and progresses very slowly. Many times, it goes away by itself. To an experienced dermatologist, there is no mistaking BXO, but a diagnosis must be confirmed by a biopsy. The good news is that BXO can almost always be successfully cured with steroid creams, carbon dioxide laser treatment, or even antibiotics. Circumcision should be considered only after every other treatment option has failed. Just as we do not amputate the labia of females with BXO or the glans of circumcised boys with BXO, it is logical that we should not amputate the foreskin of intact boys with BXO. Your son needs to be circumcised or else he won't enjoy oral sex as an adult.I'm afraid that doctors really have said such inappropriate things to parents. Such a statement is evidence of ignorance of the normal functions and sensations of the intact penis. Classic anatomical investigations have proven that the foreskin is the most richly innervated part of the penis. It has specialized nerve receptors that are directly connected to the pleasure centers of the brain. Your intact son is far better equipped to enjoy all aspects of lovemaking than his circumcised peers. The myth that American women prefer the circumcised penis is, in my opinion, demeaning to women. It may be true that American women of a certain generation and social background were more likely to be familiar with the circumcised penis than the intact penis, but this was the result of the mass circumcision campaigns of the 1950s not personal preference. I suspect that what women prefer in men is more related to the personal qualities of consideration, gentleness, sensitivity, warmth, and supportiveness. It is very unlikely that circumcision increases a male's capacity to develop these qualities. Your son needs to be circumcised so that he looks like his father.A child is a mixture of both his mother's and his father's genetic heritage. He doesn't need to look like his father, nor will he ever look like his father in every way. Each child is a unique gift, and that uniqueness should be cherished. The idea that a boy will be disturbed if his penis does not look like his father's was invented to manipulate people into letting doctors circumcise their children. It has no basis in medical fact. There are no published reports of an intact boy being disturbed because part of his penis was not cut off when he realized that part of his father's penis had been cut off. When intact boys with circumcised fathers express their feelings on the matter, they consistently report their immense relief and gratitude that they were spared penile surgery. They express sadness, as well, for the suffering their dads experienced as infants.6 Occasionally, a circumcised father will state that he wants his child circumcised because he thinks that it will create a bond between him and his son. It is a wonderful thing for a father to want to establish such a bond, but circumcision cannot accomplish this worthy goal. If a father wants to establish a lasting and meaningful bond with his son, the very best way, and perhaps the only way, he can achieve this is by spending quality time with him and by showing him much affection. Sadly, some fathers who have been circumcised have an unhealthy attitude and may look for any excuse to schedule the child for circumcision. Putting a child in a position where he fears that part of his penis is going to be cut off is abusive. When fathers demand that their sons be circumcised, I suspect that they are desperately trying to justify their own circumcised condition. The emotions that some fathers feel when they are forced to confront the fact that part of their own penis is missing can be so disturbing that they will do anything to block them out. A father who forcibly circumcises his son will not win his son's gratitude, affection, trust, or love. I am aware of instances where such events have permanently destroyed the father-son bond and changed a son's love for his father into rage and bitter resentment. In situations where the father suffers from an unhealthy attitude about his son's normal penis, I think it is best for everyone concerned--especially the son--for the father to receive compassionate psychological counseling to help him overcome his problem. All children deserve the safest, most nurturing, and most loving home possible. When physicians realize the important functions of the foreskin, they'll realize that just about every problem with it can and should be solved without cutting it off. Cutting off part of the body--especially part of the penis--is an extreme measure that should be reserved for the most extreme of circumstances. The only legitimate indications for cutting off any part of the body, including the foreskin, are life-threatening disease, life-threatening deformity, or irreparable damage. These situations are extremely rare. The best advice for the care of the intact penis is simply to leave it alone. The intact penis needs no special care. Let your boy take care of it himself, and when he's old enough, he will enjoy taking care of his own body. After all, it's his business. Just relax and avoid worrying about your son's intact penis. Remind yourself that the foreskin is a normal and natural part of the body. If European boys grow up healthy and unconcerned with their foreskins, so can your son. NOTES 1. R. S. Van Howe, "Variability in Penile Appearance and Penile Findings: A Prospective Study," British Journal of Urology 80, no. 5 (November 1997): 776-782. 2. J. Winberg, I. Bollgren, L. Gothefors, M. Herthelius, and K. Tullus, "The Prepuce: A Mistake of Nature?" The Lancet 8638, no. 1 (March 1989): 598-599. 3. S. M. Downs, "Technical Report: Urinary Tract Infections in Febrile Infants and Young Children," The Urinary Tract Subcommittee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Quality Improvement, Pediatrics 103, no. 4 (April 1999): e54. 4. M. A. Gill and G. E. Schutze, "Citrobacter Urinary Tract Infections in Children," Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 18, no. 10 (October 1999): 889-892. 5. R. Kerwat, A. Shandall, and B. Stephenson, "Reduction of Paraphimosis with Granulated Sugar," British Journal of Urology 82, no. 5 (November 1998): 755. 6. Rosemary Romberg, Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma (South Hadley, Mass.: Bergan & Garvey, 1985). FOR MORE INFORMATIONOrganizationsIf your physician or healthcare provider ever recommends that your child be circumcised, get another opinion from a physician who understands the important functions of the foreskin, no matter how "urgent" the situation may be. For help finding one in your area, contact: National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC). PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512. 415-488-9883. Fax: 415-488-9660. www.nocirc.org/ Doctors are encouraged to contact and join:Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC). 2442 NW Market Street #42, Seattle, WA 98107. 360-385-1882. Fax: 360-385-1948. faculty.washington.edu/gcd/DOC/ Another resource especially for nurses:Nurses for the Rights of the Child. 369 Montezuma #354, Santa Fe, NM 87501. 505-989-7377. www.cirp.org/nrc/ For information about alternative bris for Jewish parents:Circumcision Resource Center. Ronald Goldman, PhD. PO Box 232, Boston, MA 02133. 617-523-0088. www.circumcision.org/ One of the best sources of information on the Internet:The Circumcision Information and Resource Pages. www.cirp.org/ BooksDenniston, G. C., F. M. Hodges, and M. F. Milos, eds. Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Pediatric Practice. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, 1999. Goldman, Ronald. Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma. Vanguard, 1996. Illingworth, Ronald S. The Normal Child: Some Problems of the Early Years and Their Treatment. Tenth edition. Churchill Livingstone, 1991. O'Mara, Peggy, ed. Circumcision: The Rest of the Story. Mothering, 1993. Ritter, Thomas, and George C. Denniston. Say No to Circumcision! Second edition. Hourglass, 1996. Books of special interest for Jewish parents: Goldman, Ronald. Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective. Vanguard, 1997. Hoffman, Lawrence A. Covenant of Blood: Circumcision and Gender in Rabbinic Judaism. University of Chicago Press, 1996. Weiner, Kayla. Jewish Women Speak Out: Expanding the Boundaries of Psychology. Canopy Press, 1995. Important medical journal articles: DeVries, C. R., A. K. Miller, and M. G. Packer. "Reduction of Paraphimosis with Hyaluronidase." Urology 48 (1996): 464-465. Fleiss, P. M., F. M. Hodges, and R. S. Van Howe. "Immunological Functions of the Human Prepuce." Sexually Transmitted Infections 74 (1998): 364-367. Jorgensen, E. T., and A. Svensson. "Problems with the Penis and Prepuce in Children: Lichen Sclerosus Should Be Treated with Coricosteroids to Reduce Need for Surgery." British Medical Journal 313 (September 14, 1996): 692. Nolan, J. F., T. J. Stillwell, and J. P. Sands, Jr. "Acute Management of the Zipper-Entrapped Penis." Journal of Emergency Medicine 8 (1990): 305-307. Shaw, Angus. "Africa to Address AIDS at Conference." Science (September 10, 1999). Van Howe, R. S. "Circumcision and HIV Infection: Review of the Literature and Meta-analysis." International Journal of STD & AIDS 10 (1999): 8-16. Van Howe, R. S. "Does Circumcision Influence Sexually Transmitted Diseases? A Literature Review." British Journal of Urology International 83, Supplement 1 (1999 ): 52-62. For more information about circumcision, see the following article in a past issue of Mothering: "The Case against Circumcision," no. 85. Paul M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, is assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California Medical Center and is in private pediatric practice in Los Angeles, California. He is the author of numerous scientific articles published in leading national and international medical journals.

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  7. trimis la 8/12/2003

    CIRUMCIZIA NU ARE ABSLOUT NICI UN BENEFICIU MEDICAL. Pentru toate pretinsele “beneficii” exista tratamente sau masuri alternative non chirurgicale de prevenire, eficiente. Nu iau in considerare situatia unor malformatii congenitale grave (fimoza reala, malformarea tractului urinar, etc) in cazul carora probabil ca ar putea fi necesara interventia chirurgicala minima (dar nici atunci circumcizia completa) si asta numai daca tratamentul alternativ nu a dat rezultat (fimoza se diagnosticheza corect dupa pubertate/adolscenta cand s-a incheiat complet faza de crestere si are tratament non chirugical pe baza de steroizi). Atat timp cat baiatul este capabil sa urineze situatia este normala in faza de crestere si nu se poate discuta depre fimoza. Exista numeroase studii recunoscute pe plan mondial in special in ceea ce priveste functiile preputului. Cele mai recente sunt effectuate de George C. Denniston J.R. Taylor C.J. Cold A. Lockwood Studiul lui Taylor a fost acceptat spre publicare in 1999 in British Journal of Urology. Functiile prezentate mai jos reprezinta o sinteza dupa mai multi autori. Pentru detalii si bibliografie in engleza email t100ca2000@yahoo.com Iata ce se pierde prin amputarea preputului (circumcizie). Se pierd functiile sale: (trad din lb engleza): A. Functii sexuale 1. functia erogena, in special datorita pierderii bandei crestate si a corpusculilor Meisnner 2. actioneaza ca un bariera mecanica protectiva in timpul actului sexual 3. previne dyspareunia (act sexual dureros) 4. stimuleaza genitalele partenerului, dandu-I placere erotica 5. este un tesut care acopera trunchiul penisului (elasticitate) in erectie prevenind erectia dureroasa 6. depoziteaza feromoni si ii elimina pentru excitarea sexuala 7. depoziteaza si elimina lubrifianti naturali (smegma si si fluid pre-ejaculator) 8. face ca glandul sa reprezinte un semnal visual al excitarii sexuale 9. ajuta in obtinerea erectiei la varste inaintate B. Functii protective 1. previne keratinizarea (“moartea” celulelor pielii) glandului pastrand-ul senzitiv la excitare, moale si umed 2. protejeaza pielea subtire a glandului impotriva posibileleor accidente 3. protejeaza nervii glandului retinandu-le functia lor erotica 4. in copilarie protejeaza uretra importiva contaminarii, stenoza meatala si infectie urinara 5. furnizeaza lysosome pentru o actiune antibacteriana in jurul glandului 6. fiind pigmentat la exterior, protejeaza glandul nepigmentat de arsurile solare 7. fiind puternic vascularizat protejeaza glandul slab vascularizat impotriva frigului

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  8. Andrei
    Andreitrimis la 6/12/2003

    Da, intr-adevar este complet fals si absurd a se crede ca igiena intima masculina, spre deosebire ce cea feminina, se face prin operatii chirugicale de amputare a unui parti functionale din sexualitatea masculina. La fel cum si credinta unor medici ca infectiile la nivel de penis se trateaza prin circumcizie sunt de asemenea aberante cand se stie ca acestea se trateaza cu o crema pe baza de antibiotice, iar fimoza cu steroizi. In daca revin repetat cauza nu este existenta preputului in sine ci posibila malformare congenitala a tractului urinar (extrem de rara). Atunci poate s-ar putea sa ne mai gandim la operatii, dar este putin probabil sa avem de-a face cu acest accident genetic. Ar trebui toti parintii sa fim mai documentati si atenti in a ne proteja baietii de posibilele abuzuri si pericole care pot veni fie chiar din ignoranta noastra, fie de la unii medici ori incompetenti sau condusi de vreo anume religie, cult, traditie sau superstitie populara, fie orientati spre business mai mult decat spre profesie. Sigur ca este mult mai comod si profitabil pentru ei sa taie, asa ca PARINTI SI MAI ALES TATI PAZITI-VA BAIETII DACA VRETI SA NU VA URASCA!!! TATII SI NU MAMELE AU RESPONSABILITATEA, CAPACITATEA SI POTRIVIREA DE A DISCUTA PROBLEMELE ACESTEA, INCLUSIV SEXUALE, CU BAIETII. Si de a face tot ce la sta in putinta sa ii fereasca de privarea sexuala care e data in mod direct de circumcizie, indiferent ca la unii nu le place sa recunoasca si inventeza studii si "beneficii" pentru a-si justifica propria conditie ireversibila de barbati circumcisi. Ia ganditi-va cand eram mai tineri si discutam amical cu un prieten despre sex. Ce placere ne mai facea! Nu la fel o faceam cu fetele. Deci e natural sa incepem sa facem asta si cu fii nostri, amical si prieteneste. Si o sa ne venereze cand vor creste si intelege. Mai tarziu tot vor afla ca a existat un tratament alternativ pe care nu l-am incercat si am fi reusit astfel sa il pastram intact (asa cum Dummnezeu l-a creat, pentru cei care cred, sau cum milioane de ani de evolutie ne-au perfectionat corpurile, pt cei care cred in Darwin). Credeti ca Dummnezeu a gresit cand l-a creat pe om? Sau pentru ceilalti: credeti ca Natura si evolutia greseste... de obicei?

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  9. dan
    dantrimis la 5/12/2003

    ce sa zic, ma cutremur fratilor cand citesc ce spun unii... auzi l-au tinut pe copil cu forta si i-au dat cu dezinfectant in timp ce acesta urla... teribil... in africa fac asa cu femeile, le pun acid pe clitoris ca sa le dezinfecteze si sa le faca mai "sfinte" vezi doamne... altcineva spunea ca are un baiat de 2 ani si are fimoza??? de unde stii??? ai un diagnostic de la un doctor? stii ca fimoza nu se poate diagnostica decat dupa ce a trecut faza de crestere, ceea ce insemana dupa adolscenta? si mai stii ca exista tratament alternativ non chirurgical? in fine nu vreau ca polemizez. merg pe premiza ca oamenii cand fac afirmatii ciudate le fac nu din rea vointa ci de cele mai multe ori din lipsa de informare. am si eu un baiat de 1 an si locuiesc in America de Nord. Asta ca raspuns la articolul doamnei doctor, motivele pentru care lumea face aici circumcizie copiilor sunt ignoranta si superstitiile legate de sex, inclusiv credinta ca ar conferi igiena. Si apropos de spalare aceasta se face cu apa FARA sapun pentru ca sapunul irita si poate desensibiliza pielea. Asa cum ochii si pleoapele nu se spala cu sapun ci doar cu apa. Ce sa mai vorbim de circumcizia insasi care o desensibilizeaza complet... prin amputarea totala a preputului si expunerea glandului permanenta in contact cu aerul acesta se va murdari deci va fi mai putin igienic. Cicatricile si ridurile lasate gazduiesc apoi usor bacterii si germeni... asa ca singura igiena este spalarea. Absolut toate asa zisele "beneficii" ale circumciziei au fost demontate in lumea medicala cu argumente si tratamente alternative non chirurgicale. Acesta este opinia dominanta azi in lumea medicala. O femeie care se pretindea doctor pe un website romanesc facea propaganda pro-circ. Asa de convingatoare incat cineva a raspuns ca "...oare nu ar trebui sa facem acesta operatie copiilor nostri...? Iata care a fost opinia si raspunsul meu atat la acesta intrebare cat si la doamna doctor care propovaduia: doug19782000, 2003-12-05 17:34:13 Voi incepe cu un raspus scurt pentru mesajul anterior: da, poti sa numesti circ "operatie" pentru ca asta este. Si este foarte traumatizanta atat fizic cat si psiholologic pentru copii. Si chiar la varsta adulta cand va realiza ca are o parte din "barbatie" lipsa, in timp ce 85 % din barbatii lumii sunt intacti iar aproape 100% din cei din Romania la fel, s-ar putea sa dezvolte o serie de probleme psihologice. In cazul in care se foloseste anestetic durerea este resusa dar ma indoiesc ca este este recomandabila expunerea unui nou nascut / copil mic la anestetice. Apoi intreaba-te: daca desi circumcis si tot ai nevoie de prezervativ pentru protectie anti HIV de ce sa o faci? In acest caz poate ar fi bine sa afli care sunt riscurile si efectele negative obtinute? Ma tem ca s-ar putea ca mai tarziu fiul tau sa te urasca toata viata pentru: 1. amputarea nenecesara a unei parti normale si sanatoase a penisului sau 2. preputul este un tesut specializat intens vascularizat care contine nervi legati direct de centrul placerii din creier. Prin amputare se reduce deci senzatia de placere in timpul sexului 3. alta functie a preputului este protectiva. Glandul (capul penisului) este acoperit, protejat si mentinut in stare umeda si calda. Rolul este asemantor cu rolul pleoapelor pentru ochi. Prin amputarea completa a lui pe langa pierdera nervilor din preput pielea glandului se va desensibiliza in timp din cauza expunerii permanente, uscarii si frecarii cu imbracamintea. Proces numit keratinizare a pielii (asa cum se intapla in cazul bataturilor). In unele cazuri posibil se ajunge la impotenta si exfolierea pielii glandului asemanator exfolierii pielii de exemplu pe spate dupa expunere la soare (plaja). Esti sigura ca asta vrei pentru fiul tau pe care il iubesti? 4. considerent legal: acesta actiune are putea avea consecinte sub incidenta codului penal. Ar putea fi considerata mutilare sexuala intr-un posibil viitor proces in care desigur ca vor fi atrasi atat parintii care si-au dar acceptul cat si medicul care a recomandat. Este OK sa supui un minor la o operatie traumatizanta cu sechele pentru restul vietii atata timp cat exsita tratamente si/sau masuri de prevenire efficiente si general acceptate de majoritatea lumii stiintifice medicale, care sunt alternative non chirurgicale??? 5. circumcizia nu este recomandata la ora actuala de nici o asociatie medicala din lume. 6. a fost sustinuta in trecut de o minoritate in lumea medicala (America de Nord) initial ca masura de "tratament" importiva masturbarii care - se sustinea - provoaca o serie de maladii teribile intre care orbire, epilepsie, par in palma, etc. Prin taierea preputului se sustinea ca sansele de masturbare scad pentru ca penisul se desensibilizeaza si in plus facuta fara anestezie la varsta adolescenta este foarte eficienta pt ca senzatia de durere asociata cu sexul/penisul va avea un efect salutar in abtinerea tanarului acestuia de la sex. Ulterior s-au inventat noi "beneficii" ale acestei forme de mutilare numita circ, ultima "descoperire" pseudo-stiintifica fiind ca previne SIDA. Esti sigura ca asta vrei pentru fiul tau? 7. O intrebare de etica medicala? Este chirurgia preventiva etica atata timp cand exista tratament sau masura de prevenire alternativa non chirigicala? 8. o chestiune de discriminare pe baza de sex: circumcizia (amputarea) preputului sau clitorisului la femei, desi ar putea avea potentiale beneficii nu este acceptata medical sau legal, fiind considerata mutilare sexuala de gr 1, in timp cand este vorba despre baieti... tacere totala. Si acum cateva idei pentru autoarea articolului: Ii recomand in primul rand sa mai studieze putin fundamentele anatomiei si recentele studii medicale(Taylor): nu doar ce este preputul ci si care sunt functiile acestuia, pentru ca asta pierzi prin circumcizie. Nu pierzi "doar o bucata de piele" ci cateva milioane de nervi cu rol in sexualiatea normala masculina, protectie, etc Atata timp cat exista masuri de prevenire eficiente orice discutie despre circumcizie nu isi are sensul. Si chiar si atunci se porneste gradual cu tratamet non chirurigical.Amputarea unei parti functionale a corpului uman este ultima solutie si atunci se face doar cu acceptul persoanei in cauza pe deplin informata si care desigur ca trebuie sa fie la varsta adulta. Doamna doctor este foarte entuziasmata sa ne prezinte "beneficiile" unei preceduri condamnate inca din timpul Greciei Antice si neeaceptata nici in prezent de majoritatea lumii medicale. Inceraca chair sa sugereze ca ar exista un anumit numar de barbati circumcisi in Romania. O asigur eu ca nu exista ci doar in numar mic care au suferit de fimoza congenitala (malformatie a preputului) si la care a fost aplicata procedura chirurgicala numita operatie de fimoza, care consta in repararea defectului prin minimizarea cantitatii de testut care se amputeaza... pe cand circumcizia daca stie exact cum se face, este amputarea COMPLETA a preputului, uneori chiar prea mult ceea ce conduce la erectii dureroase, iar uneori chair frenulul este amputat (o alta sursa "vinovata" de placere pentru barbati si care desigur ca sex-fobicii ar dori sa o elimine si pe aceasta). Facand o paralela cu circ masculina ce ar zice doamna doctor daca i-am propune dansei o circumcizie. Si femeile au preput cu acelasi rol... si cu aceleasi riscuri. Sau ce ar zice de o amputare de clitoris pentru revenirea cancerului clitoridian (da exista si asa ceva, asa cum exista cancer de penis). Asta ar "vindeca-o" definitiv de a mai avea orgasm dar ce conteaza ca va fi "protejata" de cancer ! Nu este minunat? Dar despre amputarea preventiva a sanilor doamnei doctor pentru a preveni cancerul de san care are o probabilitate infinit mai mare de aparitie, si nimic sa il previna non chirurgical asa cum sunt de ex prezervativele in cauzul SIDA? Ei ce zici doamna doctor? Dar de amputarea degetelor pentru a preveni infectiile la unghii sau extragerea preventiva a dintilor pentru a preveni cariile? Doamna doctor iti recomand sa mai studiezi, OK? Cei interesati sa continuam discutia pe aceasta tema pot sa imi emaileze la t100ca2000@yahoo.com. Thanks OK acum iata un link cu un articol scris de un medic din SUA. Vreau sa retineti ca aceasta opine este cea DOMINANTA la ora actuala in lumea medicala: http://www.mothering.com/10-0-0/html/10-1-0/10-1-protectuncircson103.shtml Protect Your Uncircumcised Son: Expert Medical Advice for Parents Issue 103, November/December 103 By Paul M. Fleiss Increasing numbers of American parents today are protecting their sons from routine circumcision at birth, but as their boys grow up, they often find themselves at odds with doctors who cling to old-fashioned opinions and hospital routines. I often receive calls from distraught parents who say that a doctor insists that their little boy needs to be circumcised because there is something wrong. When they bring their son into my office, I almost always find that there's nothing wrong with the child's penis. Occasionally there's a slight infection, but that can be quickly cleared up with an antibiotic cream. In all my years of practice, I've never had a patient who had to be circumcised for medical reasons. When a doctor advises that your son be circumcised, it's usually because he or she is unfamiliar with the intact penis, misinformed about the true indications for surgical amputation of the foreskin, unaware of the functions of the foreskin, and uncomfortable with the movement away from routine circumcision. Doctors can be psychologically challenged by the sight of an intact boy. They may see problems with the penis that do not really exist. They may try to convince you that the natural penis is somehow difficult to care for. They may cite "studies" and "statistics" that appear to support circumcision. Probably, the only problem you will encounter with the foreskin of your intact boy is that someone will think that he has a problem. The foreskin is a perfectly normal part of the human body, and it has very definite purposes, as do all body parts, even if we do not readily recognize them. There's no need to worry about your son's intact penis. What to Say When the Doctor Says to Cut Below is a list of some of the things that doctors have said to parents in an attempt to convince them to agree to circumcision. After each incorrect statement, I've given the medical facts to help you understand what your doctor may not know about the intact penis and its care, and what you need to know to protect your child from unnecessary penile surgery. If you ever find yourself in a situation where a doctor suggests that your child should be circumcised, the best thing that you can say is simply: "Leave it alone." Your son's foreskin should be cut off in order to facilitate hygiene. My experience as a pediatrician has convinced me that circumcision makes the penis dirtier, a fact that was confirmed by a study recently published in the British Journal of Urology.1 For at least a week after circumcision, the baby is left with a large open wound that is in almost constant contact with urine and feces--hardly a hygienic advantage. Additionally, throughout life the circumcised penis is open and exposed to dirt and contaminants of all kinds. The wrinkles and folds that often form around the circumcision scar frequently harbor dirt and germs. Thanks to the foreskin, the intact penis is protected from dirt and contamination. While this important protective function is extremely useful while the baby is in diapers, the foreskin provides protection to the glans and urinary opening for a lifetime. At all ages, the foreskin keeps the glans safe, soft, and clean. Throughout childhood, there is no need to wash underneath the foreskin. Mothers used to be advised to retract the foreskin and wash beneath it every day. This was very bad advice indeed. When the foreskin becomes fully retractable, usually by the end of puberty, your son can retract it and rinse his glans with warm water while he is in the shower. Your son's foreskin is too tight. It doesn't retract. He needs to be circumcised. The tightness of the foreskin is a safety mechanism that protects the glans and urethra from direct exposure to contaminants and germs. The tight foreskin also keeps the boy's glans warm, clean, and moist, and when he is an adult, it will give him pleasure. As long as your son can urinate, he is perfectly normal. There is no age by which a child's foreskin must be retractable. Do not let your doctor or anyone try to retract your child's foreskin. Optimal hygiene of the penis demands that the foreskin of infants and children be left alone. Premature retraction rips the skin of the penis open and causes your child extreme pain. There is no legitimate medical justification for retraction. The child's discomfort is proof of that. Your son's foreskin is "adhered" to the glans. It must be amputated. The attachment of the foreskin and glans is nature's way of protecting the undeveloped glans from premature exposure. Detachment is a normal physiological process that can take up to two decades to complete. By the end of puberty, the foreskin will have detached from the glans because hormones that are produced in great quantities at puberty help with the process. There is no age by which a child's foreskin must be fully separated from the glans. Some misguided doctors might suggest that the "adhesions" between the foreskin and glans should be broken so that your son can retract his foreskin. This procedure is called synechotomy. To perform it, the doctor pushes a blunt metal probe under the foreskin and forcibly rips it from the glans. It's as painful and traumatic as having a metal probe stuck under your fingernail to pull if off. It will also cause bleeding and may result in infection and scarring of the inner lining of the foreskin and the glans. The wounds that are created by this forced separation can fuse together, causing true adhesions. There is no medical justification for this procedure because the foreskin is not supposed to be separated from the glans in childhood. If any doctor suggests this procedure for your son, firmly refuse, stating, "Leave it alone!" Your son's foreskin is getting tighter. It no longer retracts. Something is wrong. He will have to be circumcised. Sometimes, in childhood, a previously retractable foreskin will become resistant to retraction for reasons that are unrelated to impending puberty. In these cases, the opening of the foreskin may look chapped and sting when your son urinates. This is not an indication for surgery any more than chapped lips. This is just the foreskin doing its job. If the foreskin were not there, the glans and urinary opening would be chapped instead. Chapping is most often caused by overly chlorinated swimming pools, harsh soap, bubble baths, or a diet that is too high in sugar, all of which destroy the natural balance of skin bacteria and should be avoided if chapping occurs. The foreskin becomes resistant to retraction until a natural and healthy bacterial balance is reestablished. You can aid healing by having your son apply a little barrier cream or some ointment to the opening of the foreskin. Acidophilus culture (which can be purchased from a health food store) can be taken internally and also applied to the foreskin several times a day to assist healing, and should be given any time a child is taking antibiotics. Your son's foreskin is red, inflamed, itching, and uncomfortable. It has an infection and needs to be cut off. Sometimes the tip of the foreskin does become reddened. During the diaper-wearing years, this is usually ammoniacal dermatitis, commonly known as diaper rash. When normal skin bacteria and feces react with urine, they produce ammonia, which burns the skin and causes inflammation and discomfort. If the foreskin were amputated, the inflammation would be on the glans itself and could enter the urethra. When the foreskin becomes reddened, it is doing its job of protecting the glans and urinary meatus. Circumcision will have no effect on diaper rash. Change your baby's diapers more frequently and use a barrier cream until the rash clears. Harsh bath soaps can also cause inflammation of the foreskin. Use only the gentlest and purest of soap on your child's tender skin. Resist the temptation to give your child bubble baths, because these are harmful to the skin. Never use soap to wash the inner foreskin because it is mucous membrane, just like the inner lining of the eyelid. Foreskin infections are extremely rare, but if they occur, one of the many simple treatment options is antibiotic ointment along with bacterial replacement therapy (Acidophilus culture). We don't amputate body parts because of an infection. Most infections of the foreskin are actually caused by washing the foreskin with soap. Leave the foreskin alone, remembering that it doesn't need any special washing, and infections will be unlikely to occur. Your son is always pulling on his foreskin. He should be circumcised. I can assure you that, whether circumcised or not, all little boys touch and pull on their penis. It is perfectly normal. Intact boys pull on the foreskin because it is there to pull on. Circumcised boys pull on the glans because that is all they have to pull on. Little boys sometimes will adjust the position of their penis in their underpants. They will also sometimes explore the interior of the foreskin with their fingers--a perfectly normal curiosity and nothing to worry about. It is important for parents to cultivate an enlightened and tender congeniality about such matters, otherwise they risk transferring unhealthy attitudes to their children. Sometimes a boy will pull on his foreskin because it itches. All parts of the body itch occasionally. Even a circumcised boy has to scratch his penis. Just as you don't worry every time your child scratches his knee, so you should not worry when he scratches his penis. If the itch is caused by dry skin, then have your son avoid using soap on his penis. Treat the foreskin just as you would any other part of the body. If the real fear is of masturbation, calmly remind yourself of the simple, natural fact that all children will explore their bodies, including their genitals. Touching their genitals gives children a pleasant feeling and relaxes them. Classic anatomical studies demonstrate that the foreskin is the most pleasurably sensitive part of the penis. You can congratulate yourself for having protected your child from a surgical amputation that would have permanently denied him normal sensations. Your son's foreskin is too long. It should be cut off. There is tremendous variation in foreskin length. In some boys, the foreskin represents over half the length of the penis. In others, it barely reaches the end of the glans. All variations are normal. The foreskin is never "just extra skin" or "redundant." It is all there for a reason. Your child should be circumcised now because it will hurt more if it has to be done later, or worse, when he is an adult. This excuse is tragically wrong and has resulted in a very serious crisis in American medical practice. It's based on the false idea that infants and young children don't feel pain. Babies can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. In fact, babies feel pain more acutely than adults, and the younger the baby, the more acutely the pain is felt. If an adult needed to be circumcised, he would be given anesthesia and postoperative pain relief. Doctors almost never give babies either of these. The only reason doctors get away with circumcising babies without anesthesia is because the baby is defenseless and cannot protect himself. His screams of pain, terror, and agony are ignored. In any event, this all too common excuse is merely a scare tactic, one with tragic consequences for any baby forced to endure a surgical amputation without the benefit of anesthesia. Since your son is having anesthesia for another operation, we'll just go ahead and circumcise him. Most parents are never told that their son is in danger of being circumcised during a tonsillectomy or surgery for a hernia or an undescended testicle. It would never occur to them. If your child is going into the hospital for any reason, be certain that you tell the physician, surgeon, and nurse that under no circumstances is your child to be circumcised. Write "No Circumcision" on the consent form, too. Then if your child is circumcised against your wishes, remember that you do have legal recourse. Your son has cysts under his foreskin. He needs to be circumcised. During the period when the foreskin is undergoing the slow process of detaching itself from the glans, sloughed skin cells (smegma) may collect into small pockets of white "pearls." These are not cysts. Some doctors mistakenly think that the smegma under the foreskin is an infection, even though it is white rather than red, is cold to the touch, and is painless. As the foreskin proceeds with detachment, the body will do its job, and these pearls will pass out of the foreskin all by themselves. These collected pockets of cells are nothing to worry about. They are simply an indication that the natural process of detachment is occurring. Your son has a urinary tract infection (UTI) and needs to be circumcised to prevent it from happening again. The belief that the foreskin slightly increases the chances of a boy having a UTI is highly controversial and, more importantly, unproven. Members of the medical profession in Europe do not accept it. Medical research proves that UTIs are most often caused by internal congenital deformities of the urinary tract. 2,3,4 The foreskin has nothing to do with this. Even if it could be proven that circumcision slightly reduces the risk of UTI, it is an absurd proposal because UTIs in boys are extremely rare and are easily treated with antibiotics. Breastfeeding, too, helps prevent UTIs. Child-friendly doctors advocate breastfeeding not penile surgery. Your son sprays when he urinates. Circumcision will correct this. In almost every intact boy, the urine stream flows out of the urinary opening in the glans and through the foreskin in a neat stream. During the process of penile growth and development, some boys go through a period where the urine stream is diffused. Undoubtedly, many of these boys take great delight in this phase, while mothers, understandably, find it less amusing. If your boy has entered a spraying phase, simply instruct him to retract his foreskin enough to expose the meatus when he urinates. He will soon outgrow this phase. Your son's foreskin balloons when he urinates. He needs to be circumcised or else he will suffer kidney damage. Ballooning of the foreskin during urination is a normal and temporary condition in some boys. It results in no discomfort and is usually a source of great delight for little boys. Ballooning comes as a surprise only to those adults who have no experience with this phase of penile development. It certainly does not cause kidney damage; it has nothing to do with the kidneys. Ballooning disappears as the foreskin and glans separate and the opening of the foreskin increases in diameter. It requires no treatment. Your son caught his foreskin in the zipper of his trousers; we will have to cut it off. There have been rare cases where a boy has accidentally caught part of the skin of his penis in the zipper of his trousers. This is painful and can cause a lot of bleeding. Cutting off the foreskin, however, is illogical in this situation. By cutting across the bottom of the zipper with scissors, the zipper can easily be opened to release the penile tissue. Any lacerations in the skin can then be closed with either sutures or surgical tape, depending on the situation. The proper standard of care in this situation is to minimize and repair the injury, not make it worse by cutting off the foreskin and creating a larger and more painful surgical wound. Your son has phimosis. He needs to be circumcised to correct this problem. Phimosis is often used as a diagnosis when a doctor does not understand that the child's foreskin is supposed to be long, narrow, attached to the glans, and resistant to retraction. Some doctors are prescribing steroid creams for phimosis, but this is unnecessary in children, since the foreskin does not need to be retractable in young boys. The hormones of puberty will do the same thing at the appropriate time that a steroid cream is doing prematurely. In adults who still have a foreskin that is attached to the glans or a foreskin with such a narrow opening that the glans cannot easily pass through it, steroid creams are a conservative therapy. This is if the adult wants a foreskin that fully retracts. Many males don't, preferring a foreskin that remains securely over the glans. It is purely a matter of personal choice, one that only each male can decide for himself. Your son has paraphimosis and must be circumcised to prevent it from happening again. Paraphimosis is a rare dislocation of the foreskin. It is caused by the foreskin being prematurely retracted and becoming stuck behind the glans. The dislocation can most often be corrected by applying firm but gentle pressure on the glans with the thumbs, as if you were pushing a cork into a bottle. To reduce the swelling, an injection of hyaluronidase may be effective. Doctors in Britain have also reported good results from packing the penis in granulated sugar.5 Ice packs work well, too. Your son has BXO and will have to be circumcised. Some doctors equate phimosis with an extremely rare skin disorder called balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO), which is also called lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (LSA). BXO can appear anywhere on the body, but if this disorder affects the foreskin, it may turn the opening of the foreskin hard, white, sclerotic, and make retraction almost impossible. BXO is usually painless and progresses very slowly. Many times, it goes away by itself. To an experienced dermatologist, there is no mistaking BXO, but a diagnosis must be confirmed by a biopsy. The good news is that BXO can almost always be successfully cured with steroid creams, carbon dioxide laser treatment, or even antibiotics. Circumcision should be considered only after every other treatment option has failed. Just as we do not amputate the labia of females with BXO or the glans of circumcised boys with BXO, it is logical that we should not amputate the foreskin of intact boys with BXO. Your son needs to be circumcised or else he won't enjoy oral sex as an adult. I'm afraid that doctors really have said such inappropriate things to parents. Such a statement is evidence of ignorance of the normal functions and sensations of the intact penis. Classic anatomical investigations have proven that the foreskin is the most richly innervated part of the penis. It has specialized nerve receptors that are directly connected to the pleasure centers of the brain. Your intact son is far better equipped to enjoy all aspects of lovemaking than his circumcised peers. The myth that American women prefer the circumcised penis is, in my opinion, demeaning to women. It may be true that American women of a certain generation and social background were more likely to be familiar with the circumcised penis than the intact penis, but this was the result of the mass circumcision campaigns of the 1950s not personal preference. I suspect that what women prefer in men is more related to the personal qualities of consideration, gentleness, sensitivity, warmth, and supportiveness. It is very unlikely that circumcision increases a male's capacity to develop these qualities. Your son needs to be circumcised so that he looks like his father. A child is a mixture of both his mother's and his father's genetic heritage. He doesn't need to look like his father, nor will he ever look like his father in every way. Each child is a unique gift, and that uniqueness should be cherished. The idea that a boy will be disturbed if his penis does not look like his father's was invented to manipulate people into letting doctors circumcise their children. It has no basis in medical fact. There are no published reports of an intact boy being disturbed because part of his penis was not cut off when he realized that part of his father's penis had been cut off. When intact boys with circumcised fathers express their feelings on the matter, they consistently report their immense relief and gratitude that they were spared penile surgery. They express sadness, as well, for the suffering their dads experienced as infants.6 Occasionally, a circumcised father will state that he wants his child circumcised because he thinks that it will create a bond between him and his son. It is a wonderful thing for a father to want to establish such a bond, but circumcision cannot accomplish this worthy goal. If a father wants to establish a lasting and meaningful bond with his son, the very best way, and perhaps the only way, he can achieve this is by spending quality time with him and by showing him much affection. Sadly, some fathers who have been circumcised have an unhealthy attitude and may look for any excuse to schedule the child for circumcision. Putting a child in a position where he fears that part of his penis is going to be cut off is abusive. When fathers demand that their sons be circumcised, I suspect that they are desperately trying to justify their own circumcised condition. The emotions that some fathers feel when they are forced to confront the fact that part of their own penis is missing can be so disturbing that they will do anything to block them out. A father who forcibly circumcises his son will not win his son's gratitude, affection, trust, or love. I am aware of instances where such events have permanently destroyed the father-son bond and changed a son's love for his father into rage and bitter resentment. In situations where the father suffers from an unhealthy attitude about his son's normal penis, I think it is best for everyone concerned--especially the son--for the father to receive compassionate psychological counseling to help him overcome his problem. All children deserve the safest, most nurturing, and most loving home possible. When physicians realize the important functions of the foreskin, they'll realize that just about every problem with it can and should be solved without cutting it off. Cutting off part of the body--especially part of the penis--is an extreme measure that should be reserved for the most extreme of circumstances. The only legitimate indications for cutting off any part of the body, including the foreskin, are life-threatening disease, life-threatening deformity, or irreparable damage. These situations are extremely rare. The best advice for the care of the intact penis is simply to leave it alone. The intact penis needs no special care. Let your boy take care of it himself, and when he's old enough, he will enjoy taking care of his own body. After all, it's his business. Just relax and avoid worrying about your son's intact penis. Remind yourself that the foreskin is a normal and natural part of the body. If European boys grow up healthy and unconcerned with their foreskins, so can your son. NOTES 1. R. S. Van Howe, "Variability in Penile Appearance and Penile Findings: A Prospective Study," British Journal of Urology 80, no. 5 (November 1997): 776-782. 2. J. Winberg, I. Bollgren, L. Gothefors, M. Herthelius, and K. Tullus, "The Prepuce: A Mistake of Nature?" The Lancet 8638, no. 1 (March 1989): 598-599. 3. S. M. Downs, "Technical Report: Urinary Tract Infections in Febrile Infants and Young Children," The Urinary Tract Subcommittee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Quality Improvement, Pediatrics 103, no. 4 (April 1999): e54. 4. M. A. Gill and G. E. Schutze, "Citrobacter Urinary Tract Infections in Children," Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 18, no. 10 (October 1999): 889-892. 5. R. Kerwat, A. Shandall, and B. Stephenson, "Reduction of Paraphimosis with Granulated Sugar," British Journal of Urology 82, no. 5 (November 1998): 755. 6. Rosemary Romberg, Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma (South Hadley, Mass.: Bergan & Garvey, 1985). FOR MORE INFORMATION Organizations If your physician or healthcare provider ever recommends that your child be circumcised, get another opinion from a physician who understands the important functions of the foreskin, no matter how "urgent" the situation may be. For help finding one in your area, contact: National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC). PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512. 415-488-9883. Fax: 415-488-9660. www.nocirc.org/ Doctors are encouraged to contact and join: Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC). 2442 NW Market Street #42, Seattle, WA 98107. 360-385-1882. Fax: 360-385-1948. faculty.washington.edu/gcd/DOC/ Another resource especially for nurses: Nurses for the Rights of the Child. 369 Montezuma #354, Santa Fe, NM 87501. 505-989-7377. www.cirp.org/nrc/ For information about alternative bris for Jewish parents: Circumcision Resource Center. Ronald Goldman, PhD. PO Box 232, Boston, MA 02133. 617-523-0088. www.circumcision.org/ One of the best sources of information on the Internet: The Circumcision Information and Resource Pages. www.cirp.org/ Books Denniston, G. C., F. M. Hodges, and M. F. Milos, eds. Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Pediatric Practice. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, 1999. Goldman, Ronald. Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma. Vanguard, 1996. Illingworth, Ronald S. The Normal Child: Some Problems of the Early Years and Their Treatment. Tenth edition. Churchill Livingstone, 1991. O'Mara, Peggy, ed. Circumcision: The Rest of the Story. Mothering, 1993. Ritter, Thomas, and George C. Denniston. Say No to Circumcision! Second edition. Hourglass, 1996. Books of special interest for Jewish parents: Goldman, Ronald. Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective. Vanguard, 1997. Hoffman, Lawrence A. Covenant of Blood: Circumcision and Gender in Rabbinic Judaism. University of Chicago Press, 1996. Weiner, Kayla. Jewish Women Speak Out: Expanding the Boundaries of Psychology. Canopy Press, 1995. Important medical journal articles: DeVries, C. R., A. K. Miller, and M. G. Packer. "Reduction of Paraphimosis with Hyaluronidase." Urology 48 (1996): 464-465. Fleiss, P. M., F. M. Hodges, and R. S. Van Howe. "Immunological Functions of the Human Prepuce." Sexually Transmitted Infections 74 (1998): 364-367. Jorgensen, E. T., and A. Svensson. "Problems with the Penis and Prepuce in Children: Lichen Sclerosus Should Be Treated with Coricosteroids to Reduce Need for Surgery." British Medical Journal 313 (September 14, 1996): 692. Nolan, J. F., T. J. Stillwell, and J. P. Sands, Jr. "Acute Management of the Zipper-Entrapped Penis." Journal of Emergency Medicine 8 (1990): 305-307. Shaw, Angus. "Africa to Address AIDS at Conference." Science (September 10, 1999). Van Howe, R. S. "Circumcision and HIV Infection: Review of the Literature and Meta-analysis." International Journal of STD & AIDS 10 (1999): 8-16. Van Howe, R. S. "Does Circumcision Influence Sexually Transmitted Diseases? A Literature Review." British Journal of Urology International 83, Supplement 1 (1999 ): 52-62. For more information about circumcision, see the following article in a past issue of Mothering: "The Case against Circumcision," no. 85. Paul M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, is assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California Medical Center and is in private pediatric practice in Los Angeles, California. He is the author of numerous scientific articles published in leading national and international medical journals.

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  10. madarasz laszlo
    madarasz laszlotrimis la 13/11/2003

    Am un baietel de 2 ani, are fimoza dar nu as vrea sa duc la operatie. Cu ce ma puteti ajuta

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  11. diana coman
    diana comantrimis la 30/6/2003

    la inceput medicul mi-a zis ca baiatul nu are fimoza, dar dupa primele 4-5 luni am observat cum ies depuneri albe si de la zi la zi se decalota mai putin,desi in locul pe unde iesea albeata se mai slabea stransoarea. de la alte prietene stiam ce face doctorul, dar ca nu e urgent. dupa o baie insa, s-a decalotat aproape complet, fara sa vreau, cu un zgomot.copilul avea un an si 9luni. mai greu a fost cu ce mai ramasese. a plans, dar i-a trecut; l-am uns cu nidoflor, bai cu ceai de musetel. cred ca a suferit. e mai bine sa se faca la varste mici(cateva luni).

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  12. diana zaharia
    diana zahariatrimis la 25/2/2003

    este foarte ,foarte importanta igiena la baieti.numai ca eu em o singura intrebare ...copilului meu i-a aparut de cateva zile incoaca o roseata pe scrot si in jurul cuculetului si sunt tare speriata pt.ca il spal cu apa si sapun de fiecare data cand ii schimb pampersul...si il mai ung si cu crema pt. copii eventual si cu un pic de pudra.care sa fie oare motivul pt.care a facut aceasta reactie.nu plange doar ca se scarpina cand il spal si sta cu cuculetul gol.multumesc

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  13. claudiu
    claudiutrimis la 18/2/2003

    Am doi baietei,3ani si 4 luni, respectiv 5 luni.Cel mare a avut depuneri cand avea aproape doi ani si pentru curatire am fost nevoiti sa apelam la doctor.Incercasem si acasa dar pentru ca nu aveam indemanarea si priceperea necesare,copilul suferea si chiar se temea in momentul in care il duceam la baie sa-l spal.In schimb medicul a actionat scurt si precis si dupa cateva zile a uitat.

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  14. coryna
    corynatrimis la 19/11/2002

    Si eu am asteptat si am incercat sa fac decalotarea usor la baie, dar nu s-a putut, asa ca pina la urma am mers la policlinica unde un medic a luat o penseta si a facut ce trebuia facut mai devreme si nu la 8 luni. A plins, l-a usturat vreo 2 zile cind facea pipi, dar acum totul e OK, a uitat si eu am scapat de stresul pe care-l aveam ori de cite ori i-l consulta medicul pediatru si ma certa ca nu am fortat. Daca as mai avea un baietel nu numai ca nu as astepta pina in adolescenta, ci l-as duce pe la 2-3 luni, ca sa nu sufere asa de mult. Stiu un medic pediatru care la prima consultatie de luare i9n evidenta a unui baietel primul lucru pe care-l face este sa decaloteze pentru ca, spune el, a vazut multe cazuri care au ajuns la operatie si la infectii groaznice.

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  15. Rodica
    Rodicatrimis la 20/6/2002

    Domnule Valentin, Am doi baieti de 2 ani si jumatate si de 4 ani. Am avut aceeasi problema la amandoi! Incepusera sa se formeze depuneri albe, cu aspect branzos si sa se umfle in partea nedecalotata. Sotul meu, le-a fortat preputul dupa baie, si l-a decalotat. Am folosit ca dezinfectant "mercurchrom" care este bun in cazurile de zemuire si in locurile umede. A fost dureros, i-am tinut fortat, au urlat, am repetat operatia daca a fost necesar, am supravegheat locul la fiecare baie, dar acum dupa ani de zile sunt bine mersi si n-au nici un fel de probleme, nici medicale, nici psihologice legate de problema. Am intalnit insa in spital copii care erau internati cu infectie urinara din cauza depunerilor necuratate.(pentru ca n-au decalotat la timp). Cu cat mai repede actionati, cu atat mai bine. Tati este preferatul lor chiar si dupa acea operatie neplacuta si dureroasa. Si chiar sunt geloasa pe relatia lor. Cautati dezinfectantul 'merchurchrom' este nemtesc si are o culoare rosie. Curaj!

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